People whom have traveled to the PNG Highlands

WE are super excited to hear from our visitors whom have traveled with us to the Highlands of PNG. We offer friendly village life experiences to those visitors who are interested to be part of a typical PNG highlands lifestyle. Many of our visitors whom have traveled with us have experienced the most memorable moments in their lifetime and decided to share with the rest what they have experienced how beautiful, colourful, exotic, wonderful, marvelous and exciting PNG Highlands is.

Some of the visitors whom have traveled to the Highlands of PNG with us are:

@....... Alexandra Marcu, a 16 year old young girl from Romania climbed Mt. Giluwe – the highest volcanic summit in the Pacific Oceania region including Australian Continent. She traveled six other volcanic summits in the other 6 continents of the seven continents in the world and Giluwe was the highest in the 7th continent (Oceania).  Her blog is at: and she is also on Facebook at:
 @..... Dan Marcu from Romania, Alexandra’s father climbed Mt. Giluwe with her only daughter. He also writes the blog at: and he is on Facebook too at:

@.......... Ryan Manton from Australia decided to climb Mt. Giluwe before trying Mt. Wilhelm, the highest mountain in PNG. Giluwe is the second highest and his aim was to climb the highest and the second highest mountains in PNG.

@.........Elizabeth Bonshek from the British Museum in London, UK was in the Algena village spending at least 2 weeks. Algena Village is in Lower Kaguel District, Tambul Nebilyer, Western Highlands Province. Bonshek made a photo library of her stay in the village and also wrote a chapter in the internationally acclaimed book titled “Melanesia: Arts & Encounter” about making billums in Algena village by Mondika women. It was co-authored by Peter Kinjap, a local freelance journalist on the topic “Changes of making billums by Mondika women”. 

Alexandra Marcu and Dan Marcu at the Port Moresby Jackson's International Airport on first arrival to PNG, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.  

Alexandra Marcu at the peak of Mt. Giluwe with the post to landmark the highest volcanic summit in the Oceania region, Papua New Guinea.

Elizabeth Bonshek and Peter Kinjap discussion about traditional tribal war arms from the PNG Highlands.

Ryan Manton and local tour guide Bonny enjoying a wild fruit just few kms away from the peak of Mt. Giluwe, Papua New Guinea.