Dear Sir/Madam,

HOWARIG TRADERS (specializes in tourism e-marketing for the PNG Highlands region, advertising agent and travel agency) have been heavily involved in the SME Tourism sector in the recent past. Under the highlands tourism e-marketing name "PNG Highlands Exotic Tour Services", we have some of the world's historically fascinating sites and scenes to offer. For instance the World Heritage listed pre-historic Kuk Agricultural Site dated back some 7,000 years continuous land cultivation and possibly 10,000 years ago to present. Yuku Rock Shelter in Baiyer River where first humans are believed to have set foot on the Island of New Guinea from the migration routes from South-East Asia. Plant Mircofossil analysis reveal cave occupied before 14,200 years ago. Nombe Rock Shelter is 25,000 years ago human activity first documented and continue through to present time. All these sites are located in the Highlands of PNG. Therefore, Papua New Guinea is arguably an Ancient country!

Papua New Guinea is regarded as the world's third pristine rain-forest area accommodating some thousand species of flora and fauna. Some of which have not been recorded and documented by biologists. For instance a recent discovery of a rare Wasp (Giant Bee) in the Pacific regions highest mountain, Mt. Wilhelm located in Chimbu Province in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea.

Mt. Giluwe, the second highest mountain in Papua New Guinea and the highest Volcanic Summit in the Oceania region including the Australian continent (Mt. Giluwe is listed as one of the 7 Volcanic Summits in the World), located in Western Highlands Province. The New Guinea Singsing Dog is believed to have lived at Mt. Giluwe some 100 years ago. Scientists and researchers have not yet attempted to proof this assumption. The stone caves at Mt. Giluwe are locally known to locals as dog caves. In the local dialect of Tambul, the peak of Giluwe is known as “Owa Pelg Kou” which means New Guinea Singsing Dog dwelling cave. The local nearby Tambul villages close to the mountain have legendary stories about the New Guinea Singsing Dog.  Donald D. & Judy K. Ehrlich have attempted to record the stories of the New Guinea Singsing Dog (NGSD) and their website address is at: and some investigations into the preservation of free-living New Guinea Singsing Dog were done by James K. McIntyre of South West Pacific Research Foundation and its URL is:   
Arial view of pre-historical Kuk Agricultural Site for Ancient Tourism 
The once world renowned Baiyer River Bird Sanctuary in the Western highlands Province is currently undergoing rehabilitation, to revive its former glory days in the 1960s. The rehabilitation process is currently being spearheaded by the local Member of Parliament (MP), Honourable Koi Trappe in consultation with the Department of Environment and Conservation. This was made possible by an Australian team of Biologists who toured the area late last year and carried out a feasibility study to assess the viability of reviving the Baiyer River Bird Sanctuary. The recommendations of this feasibility study were forwarded to the Government of Papua New Guinea for implementation. The basic perimeter fencing and the animals and birds cages are currently taking shape.

The Mt. Bosavi untapped Wildlife and pristine biodiversity is another interesting site located in the neighbouring Southern Highlands Province. The area is known for frequent visits by some of the World's best scientists and researchers. A recent discovery of a Giant Rat at Mt. Bosavi by a crew from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and some scientists is a case in point.

These potential tourism investment opportunities are not promoted and marketed widely due to mere negligence and ignorance by responsible PNG Government Authorities or lack of funding and infrastructure downfall.

These sites are located in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. The country is known to have rich cultural diversity with over 840 different languages and uniquely distinct cultures and traditions. These languages are known to have comprised of almost one third of the World's total known languages. We also have five Annual Cultural Festivals in the region, namely Mt. Hagen Culture and Agriculture Show, Goroka Cultural Show, Jiwaka Cultural Show, Enga Cultural Show and Hela Cultural Show. They are evenly scheduled throughout the year to avoid clashes in dates.

Tourist accommodation service providers in the highlands region have also come on board in our tourism promotion drive. One such example is the Tubo Lodge in the Lake Kutubu area of Southern Highlands Province near Mt. Bosavi.  

With the above mentioned tourism products and others not mentioned here we strive to develop, promote and market the products globally. And our primary aim is to assist the tourism based SMEs in the highlands region. Empirical Business Consultants and Advisors, a local consulting SME based in Mt. Hagen, Western Highlands Province, is another stakeholder who have shown their interest in providing advisory services on financial management and statutory compliance matters.

Having said this, we kindly request any organizations/businesses/institutions/individuals to assist us in whatever capacity to achieve our objectives and foster partnership in areas of logistic and technical support to development these tourism attraction destinations.

Thank you,

Peter Kinjap & Philip Ukuni (Howarig Traders)
Mount Hagen, Western Highlands Province

A track to the peak of Mt. Giluwe where New Guinea Singsing Dog (NGSD) dwells.