Where and how to travel to the Highlands of Papua New Guinea?

HOW and WHERE to get to the Highlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG) are the biggest questions ever asked by many. Media in PNG and international alike thinks bad news sells and off course bad news sells good. The media industry's primary role is profit making and they opt to cover every story that is newsworthy be good or bad news. All media companies think bad news sells good buds and oh yeah it does. But the aftermath of bad news publication, broadcasting and/or production has a long term impact on the economy of any single country or region. The tourism industry is the most impacted industry of any country when the media goes wrong with its reporting of bad news in headlines giving out negative signals. In the highlands of PNG bad news is not always a everyday thingy. 

PNG has been reported with its bad news the world over and tainted a bad name about PNG through the media. The PNG Highlands is even getting the worse names when it comes to reporting the bad news in PNG. What is bad news then? Bad news is the actions and activities of certain (only minority) ill-minded human beings against the set rules of law and the standard moral practice is bad news yet media somehow finds it fit to report on the headlines. Violence, rape, murder and brutality are scary human behaviours by only few as minority that the society (the global community) condemns and the law tries to eradicate such. In any given society (be in the remotest part of the PNG Highlands or in the dark corners of Russel Street in London, UK); violence, rape, murder and brutality happens but there is always a stronger support from every corner to rebuke such bad and unwanted behaviours.

A boy from Tambul in his traditional attire for the school organized celebrations to mark the 37th Independence day Mt. Hagen International School, Mt. Hagen, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea.
Many people whom have never been to the Highlands of PNG may believe what they have heard, read and seen in the media but that is not the reality. What you read does not happen everyday in PNG. It is simply not always true. The highlands Melanesian people of PNG are friendly and are so kind. They welcome any strangers to their homes and love other people. They share food from their gardens and love to make new friends.

So HOW and WHERE can you get to the highlands of PNG is what we opt to bring as an alternative to you. We are locals from the Highlands of PNG and we provide tourists a purely "local touch." This means we are promoting PNG Highlands Eco-tourism and we welcome all our visitors coming to the Highlands of PNG with us as very special friends and make them be part of the highlands life. We are here to make them feel like a local, live and eat with locals in the local highlands village homes and make friends with highlanders who are so friendly and easy to get along with.

The Usano Creek in Kutubu, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea.

How to travel to the PNG Highlands? Simply contact us (PNG Highlands Eco-Tourism Services) and we will assist you of your planned trip throughout the highlands provinces (Goroka, Chimbu, Jiwaka, Mt. Hagen, Mendi, Wabag, Tari, Kutubu and Mt. Bosavi) with much ease. We are here to make you feel like a local and be a local with us in the PNG Highlands.
Where to get to the Highlands of PNG? For those who wanted to do a hiking, mountain climbing and trekking we have Mt. Giluwe (the highest volcanic summit in the Oceania region and the second highest peak in PNG) and Mt. Wilhelm (the highest peak in PNG). For those who love to watch a cultural show, its Mt. Hagen Cultural Show, Goroka Cultural Show, Jiwaka Cultural Show, Enga Cultural Show, Hela Cultural Show all year round and if you will be here on the 16th September, where PNG's Independence Day falls, cultural displays are every in the PNG Highlands.
Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd chatting with locals about the local cuscus at Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. Kevin Michael Rudd is a former Australian politician who was twice Prime Minister of Australia, from 2007 to 2010, and again in 2013. He was the first former prime minister to return to the office since Robert Menzies in 1949
For those who wanted to do a bird watching including the Bird of Paradise, we take you to the places where bird watching is interesting with camping outs. You will meet locals to make friends and overnight with them. We also take you to Lake Kutubu where there is very rare species of fish found on the planet earth. You can stay in one of the best Island resorts on Island in Lake Kutubu. The lake has a island. An Island in the Highlands.

We also offer you the Mt. Bosavi Wildlife discovery package to camp out where the Giant Rat in the world was discovered. World Scientists and a BBC Crew have discovered this rare species of Giant Rat in the world while at Mt. Bosavi. An interesting place on earth to watch the wildlife as they live with no human contacts. Our visitors can camp out at Mt. Bosavi watching the native animals in their wildest way. That's the very rare place on earth where no human beings live so you will notice the silly behaviors of the birds and wildlife.
A creek in Kandep, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea.
The oldest Baiyer Zoo in the Highlands region offers you all kinds of different plants and animals. They live wild in the Zoo in Western Highlands Province. The longest cave on earth may be in the highlands. The entrance is at Baiyer Lumusa district in the Western Highlands Province and it is believed to be one of the longest caves but none had discovered it to claim.

In all your travel plans, we provide a local touch to your trip trying to make you be one of the locals while you are here with us.

Do not hesitate to travel the Highlands of PNG, with us you will tell a different story and we love to hear the story you will tell others about us.
Young girls from Enga Province in their traditional attire performing a traditional dance locally known as Simuli at Enga Cultural Show, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea.
SEND us an email at: pacinter12@gmail.com or howarig4@gmail.com to discuss your budget for your PNG Highlands trip, we tailor our packages just for you to suit your budget and travel interest. We will reply to your message in a few days time. We ensure you get the value for your money. We are always open for negotiation, we take you to be a local with us and make you feel like a local, spending a day or 2 in the villages.